Connie Roozen

Connie is a former partner at Ernst & Young. In 2012, she decided to set up her own firm with Hendrik. It turned out to be a good decision, as it enabled her to focus on giving her clients uniform advice more so than before. In her work, she is particularly dedicated to maritime affairs, but finds consultancy services to the semi-public sector just as invigorating. She is known for being able to establishing meaningful connections, not only between people and companies, but also between solutions and problems.

Connie graduated from Tilburg University in Fiscal Economics. She worked at Ernst & Young for 15 years, of which the last three years as partner.

Mobile:+31 (0) 6 51 22 64 04

Hendrik Boonstra

Hendrik gave up his successful career because he felt “it could be done better”. At C&B More, he aims to achieve this objective on a daily basis. This has earned him the reputation of being determined and innovative. He enjoys finding unconventional solutions and does not stop until he has attained his goal.

Hendrik graduated from the University of Groningen in Business Administration (Financial Value Management) and Fiscal Economics. He worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and Ernst & Young as a tax consultant.

Mobile:+31 (0) 6 47 09 01 50

Martijn van der Kroon

Martijn can be described as a committed expert. He is extremely knowledgeable and always on the look-out for the best solution for his client. He wants to know the ins and outs of his clients and does not stop asking questions until he is satisfied with the answers. His inquisitiveness serves a single purpose, namely to have absolute certainty that he gives the best advice.

Martijn graduated in Economics (with honours) and Fiscal Law (Direct Taxes) from Erasmus University Rotterdam (EUR). In 2013, he completed the post-experience Master programme European Fiscal Studies (Direct Taxes) at EUR. Martijn worked as a tax consultant, specialising in Personal Tax Services, at Ernst & Young and as a lecturer in Fiscal Economics at EUR. He regularly published articles in fiscal journals.

Mobile:+31 (0) 6 11 51 03 85

Gülsev Yıldızturan

Gulsev is specialized in International / Dutch Corporate Tax. She advises multinational clients on establishing tax efficient structures including: reorganisations, debt restructurings, private equity and transfer pricing regulations. Next to having a strong tax knowledge, she believes that clear communication, being available for the client to discuss and answer their questions promptly, are the key factors for a successful cooperation.

She holds a Master degree in Dutch tax law and is graduated at the Rotterdam Erasmus University. Gulsev started her career at the tax division of Grant Thornton Netherlands. She continued her career at international tax firms based in Rotterdam and Amsterdam.

Mobile:(+31) (0) 6 11 84 70 08

Denny Vermeer

Denny advises family businesses, entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals on a wide range of topics. He specializes in advice on transfer, structuring and protection of assets. Commitment, confidentiality and sound advice are important core values ​​for him.

Denny graduated in Commercial Law (2009) and Tax Law (2011). He completed both studies at Erasmus University in Rotterdam. Denny has been affiliated with C&B More since March 1, 2024. Before this, he gained 15 years of experience at another niche firm, also specializing in advising Private Clients.

Mobile:(+31) (0) 6 51 32 64 21

Enno Fransen

Enno is a definite go-getter who does everything he can for his clients. His drive is as effortless as it is effective; he wants to make a big difference for his clients. He is therefore really able to enjoy devising clear, understandable and appropriate solutions to complex situations for his clients. After all, the strength of a good advice lies in its simplicity.

Enno graduated in Fiscal Economics from Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen and in Fiscal Law from the University of Groningen. He worked for EY as a tax advisor for over seven years.

Mobile:+31 (0)6 15 10 51 65

Natascha Boink

“Nothing beats Groningen” does not feel unfamiliar to Natascha, she moved from the peaceful surroundings of the Achterhoek to the lively Town of Groningen. She looks for a challenge in everything, this fuel ensures a positive development in knowledge and skills. Natascha is eager to learn and analytically very strong, this makes that she comes to a complete and well-considered advice.

Natascha graduated in Fiscal Economics from the University of Groningen in 2018. She has worked as a tax advisor at Flynth advisors and accountants.

Mobile:(+31) (0)6 25034206

Jelmer Hollanders

The typical Rotterdam straight forward-mentality (‘recht door zee’) is recognizable in Jelmer’s methods while dealing with complex tax issues. It energizes him to search for tailor-made solutions for the unique challenges that the fiscal practice of C&B More provides. His endless drive to keep on learning, causes his progressive development of his knowledge of the tax discipline.

Jelmer graduated in Fiscal Law from the Erasmus University Rotterdam in 2020. In addition to studying, he gained work experience as a tax advisor at several firms in the Netherlands.

Mobile:(+31) (0) 6 15 22 06 36

Karin Schuring

Karin is a part of C&B More’s tax return practice with enthusiasm and dedication. She gets the most satisfaction from unraveling and solving the tax return puzzle for her customers, in order to to get reliable advice. She does this in all openness and with a good dose of ‘Groningse nuchterheid’ (dutch common sense) as we say in the Netherlands.

Karin graduated in both Fiscal Economics and Business Administration from the Hanze University of Applied Sciences Groningen. During her Business Administration study she discovered that tax law became her professional passion and that is why she also completed a master’s degree in Tax Law at the University of Groningen. In addition to studying, she gained work experience at several firms in the Netherlands.

Mobile:(+31) (0)6 27105643

Pavel Jersak

As a starting tax specialist, Pavel is ambitious and eager to learn. He realized how much fun it is to work in taxation due to the constantly changing laws and regulations. After an internship at the Treasury, Pavel is now working at our practice to find the best solutions for our clients.

Pavel graduated in Finance, Tax and Advice from Hanze University of Applied Sciences in Groningen in 2019.

Mobile:(+31) (0)6 50404390

Rogier Ramtour

After his graduation research at C&B More, Rogier continued to work within the tax return practice of C&B More. By means of a critical attitude and a natural curiosity, he wants to contribute within the tax return practice and provide the clients with appropriate advice regarding the declaration.
Rogier is currently combining working with his studies in Tax Law at the University of Groningen.

Mobile:(+31) (0)6 15 40 87 10

Daniël Scheerders

Daniël takes a level headed look at everything that comes his way, including complex tax issues. He gets a lot of energy from solving comprehensive issues, especially when they concern VAT. Daniël always puts the client’s interests first and therefore works in a very solution-oriented manner.

Daniël is currently combining his master’s degree in Tax Law (Accent: Indirect Tax) with his work as a tax advisor.

Mobile:(+31) (0) 6 27 15 48 97

Laurents de Lange

Laurents is eager to learn and at home in all fields. With his experience in the compilation and tax return practice at an accounting firm and with his current position as tax consultant, he has a broad interest. Besides his love for numbers, he sees tax law as a puzzle and perseveres until he finds the desired solution.

Laurents graduated in Accountancy & Controlling from the University of Groningen and is now combining the Master in Tax Law at the University of Groningen with work as a tax consultant. He has gained work experience as an assistant accountant and ran his own administration office as a self-employed person.

Mobile:(+31) (0) 6 15 52 66 90

Martine Liedmeier

In a team of specialists, it is nice to add a generalist. Martine is this generalist. She picks up what is needed and figures out how best to tackle it. She is a jack-of-all-trades with a good overview and an eye for detail. She takes care of all internal matters: from the preparation of the invoices, our events, the correspondence up to and including the coffee. With a career in business, law and the cultural sector, she has a great connection with our clients.

Mobile:(+31) (0) 6 11920711

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